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Poster: Tyler Date: Apr 11, 2004 1:34pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Recording sources

haha, there is so much disagreement over what 'sounds better' in live music recordings, but the fact remains that a taper can make a crappy sounding live recording with $5000 mics and a taper can make a pristine recording with $109 mics. It all depends on the experience, position, and just how the night goes. That being said, the type of people who DO drop 5K on some wires and metal tend to know what they are doing, so any source with some serious stuff in there (like what you mentioned) most likely will sound good. You run into problems with really 'taper-friendly' bands since there are SEVERAL tapers with pro-equip who know what they are doing.

My ultimate recommendation? download identical tracks from the two (or three) sources and then compare / contrast the sources side by side. see what you like best, and then get that source.

But i totally know what you mean, in most cases with bands I liked, i was happy to hear even 1 live show of theirs was taped, to say nothing of the quality.

Happy downloading!

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Poster: dgrayshn Date: Apr 11, 2004 2:16pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Recording sources

but most importantly then post a good review..


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Poster: samson Date: Apr 11, 2004 2:20pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: Recording sources

Thanks for the quick responses! Comparing multiple sources and following reviews have helped me in the past couple weeks. Like many people new to the archive I probably get too excited at finding "THE show" and don't have the patience I should to hear which is the best for me. Thanks again for the advice!